Storage Capacity

Accurately assessing the capacity of geological formations to store CO2 is critical for any carbon capture and storage (CCS) project. Our team in Naphtho uses advanced geological and reservoir models to estimate the storage potential, ensuring your project is both viable and scalable.


Efficient transportation of CO2 is essential for safe storage. Naphtho provides detailed calculations for CO2 transportation through pipelines and wellbores, taking into account pressure, temperature, flow dynamics, and pipeline integrity to ensure safety and regulatory compliance.

Wellbore Integrity

Understanding the interaction between reserves and wellbores is crucial for maintaining well integrity and maximizing storage efficiency. Naphtho focuses on predicting wellbore behavior, pressure dynamics, and potential risks to help mitigate any operational challenges.

Reservoir Simulation

Naphtho offers state-of-the-art reservoir simulation studies to model CO2 injection and storage over time. These simulations help optimize the placement, rate, and volume of CO2 injection, ensuring long-term stability and efficiency in the storage process.

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